Downtown Renovation Supports Sustainability

In its Msheireb building complex, Qatar is creating an ultra-modern oasis of sustainable green living in downtown Doha. Climate design is a cornerstone of this 5.5 billion dollar project, currently under construction. Not only will the 100-plus buildings covering 76 acres adhere to the highest green building standards, but they will do so via a new, distinctly Qatari architectural style.

In this radical design approach, the blistering sunlight that makes Doha’s summer months a sweat bath will be turned into a power source. Solar panels deployed over buildings and walkways will supply energy needed to run each building. Maximum energy efficiency will be achieved through the use of smart grid technologies. Even the shadows its structures cast will be used to chart cooling patterns.

And in a city of chronic traffic jams, Msheireb’s users will benefit from its pedestrian-friendly design, in which closely set buildings encourage walking, making healthy use of renewable human energy.

For more info – Msheireb