Planting Seeds of Change

Refugee communities are usually and sadly donor-reliant, with few if any opportunities for food sovereignty. Refutrees, a people-led, non-profit, grass-roots initiative, is hoping to end this dependence through green, social innovation and sustainable projects that are catered to local communities with limited resources.

Through extensive field research in the West Bank and Lebanon from 2009 to 2011, Refutrees came up with innovative pilot projects meant to address the gaps in the development of these displaced communities. Its Roof-Top Garden and Agro-Knowledge Exchange projects will allow refugees to become producers of their own organic crops, as opposed to dependent consumers, and be connected to the appropriate partnerships, institutions and agricultural networks. Their third project, Eco Art Palestine, addresses the need for green, safe spaces in which children can play through the creation of a playground made from locally sourced, recycled materials.

Refutrees recently raised $12,500 through a crowdfunding campaign to bring these projects to life.

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