Algeria May Have Not Won, But These Arab Supporters Did Something Amazing at the World Cup

Photo Credit: Lamine Foura

Have you ever seen an English football fan cheering for France? Or an Argentinian cheering for Brazil? Chances aren’t high. Last Tuesday, as Algeria proved a tough competitor for Belgium’s win on the field, Arab fans on the terrace displayed a symphony of unity as they joined their voices in one chorus to support the North African nation.

As tension gradually increased throughout the first half at the Mineirao stadium, a symbolic patchwork of Arab flags showed up on the terrace to cheer on the only Arab nation to make it to the FIFA 2014 Cup. Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and other Arab-Speaking African flags stood proudly against the backdrop of a colorful crowd.

Here is a Tunisian who came from Tunis to Brazil to support the Algerian team. Bravo!” said Algerian journalist Lamine Fourra on Facebook. “Despite the defeat, I am more and more impressed by the one player who is the Algerian public. Even after the game you could still hear them in the streets, taxis and buses,” he added.