Turkey’s Top 15 Entrepreneurs Gear Up for the Startup Challenge

Turkey’s Top 15 entrepreneurs will compete at the Startup Challenge during the 7th Startup Turkey event that will take place in Antalya from February 26 to 28. The startups were selected at the Etohum Girişimcilik Zirvesi event held last January at the Istanbul Technical University.

The event will start on February  25 with a training session, giving the awarded 15 startups from Turkey, Eurasia and MENA the chance to pitch their ideas to investors from across the world in a closed meeting on February 26. The event will count with over 150 investors and 700 attendees, featuring startups like MINIQ, a web based monitoring and management system for kindergartens and study centers to follow payments and monitor the education processes at real time.

Among the rivaling entrepreneurs, Soner Hacihaliloglu and his energy consumption system to help users monitor their energy usage in real time, and a service to bring manicure to the working place developed by Müge Meydan.

For more information: VIsit the Startup Turkey website and follow them on Twitter and Facebook.