Contemplating Impact and Visualizing Change: Statistics on Grieving Mothers in the Arab World

Every human has a mother. Stating the obvious? Here are more obvious facts: once a mother, you feel the same about your child whether she is 2, 10, 20 or 40. And to lose a child at any age is a tragedy.

Health organizations worldwide celebrate 1 and 2% reduced infant mortality rates in the Arab World. As more mothers learn to care for their unborn and young children, there’s an alarming rise in numbers of women who must cope with grief due to modernity and an ever worsening political climate. It appears that Arab mothers are among the most grief-struck women in the world and here are some reasons why:

As mother’s day approaches in the USA, we invite mothers the world over to contemplate the challenges born out of those statistics and visualize the impact a change would have on the Middle East and the world at large, and be grateful for the important, powerful roles mothers play.

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