Gazan Man Builds Replica of 1927 Mercedes Gazelle

Having a dream is all about going after that dream until it is achieved. Here is another Palestinian inspiration who went after his own dream with limited resources. Muneer Shindi, from Gaza, followed his dream to have his own Mercedes Gazelle 1927 Classic and made his dream come true literally with his own hands.

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During his work as a mechanic in the Gulf, Muneer saw a Mercedes Gazelle and from that day forth he fell in love and wished he could have one. On his return to Gaza, he immediately set to working on building his own replica in his garage!
Muneer spent two years of patching up parts of other cars and importing the rest from the U.S. By putting it all together on the frame of a Mitsubishi and installing a 1600 horsepower engine inside, he finally stepped back to see his beautiful creation come to life!

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Muneer told Palsawa that:

“Nothing is impossible. I wanted to prove to myself that I’m able to achieve what I dream of.”

His dream now joins the ranks of only 300 of its kind.

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He is waiting for the responsible authorities to license his cars so he can be able to legally cruise the streets of Gaza in his classic ride. However, this could be difficult considering the political situation running its course and the fact that are only about 70,000 cars registered to a population of 1.95 million people.
Soon this handmade masterpiece will be turning heads on the streets of Gaza. An achievement like this sparks hope in many and is evidence that nothing is impossible.

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