Celebrate BarakaBits style with this Must-Have Christmas Music Playlist

Photo Credit: Huffingtonpost

Holidays are amazing for kids. As an adult, however, the holiday charm tends to wear off pretty quickly once you realize all the things you have to do. With Christmas right around the corner (literally), we here at BarakaBits have the solution to put you back into the Christmas spirit and help you enjoy the festivities with a child-like wonder. Using the magic of nostalgia, we present you a list of some of our favorite Arabic Christmas music.








Bonus Song:

So this song isn’t exactly a Christmas song, but it’s an iconic song about Jerusalem and its religious significance in the Abrahamic religions.

Here are a few more amazing Christmas songs:

From all of us here at Barakabits, we wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Don’t forget to leave a smile 🙂