Art Makes Syrian Kids’ Life Colorful

Through brilliant murals, AptART founder Samantha Robison is offering Syrian children an escape from their country’s violence. Besides creating joy, painting helps children acquire a sense of proprietorship over Zaatari camp, and allows them to express their dreams.

The process starts with colorful brainstorming sessions where children paint a variety of images; Robison and her colleagues then incorporate these into larger murals on public spaces, including improvised clinics and school walls. Many paintings carry public service messages. One depicts how soap and water eliminate germs, reminding children to wash their hands and care for their health–a crucial practice in a crowded camp that holds over 120,000 Syrians.

Robison asks kids to leave politics out of their art, and to not copy cartoon characters from TV, but rather use their own imaginations to create scenes. Collectively, their work is transforming both public space and community spirit, both enriched by singing children.

For more info – AptART