A Green Revolution in the Making

Imagine a generation of producers replacing today’s generation of consumers in the Arab world. Bashar Humeid, director of Meezan Sustainable Development, shows us how through his freedom machine, a rooftop greenhouse that provides “the infrastructure of freedom through self sufficiency in energy, water and food production.”

This invention was given its unique name to emphasize that “freedom is not only linked to freedom of speech or political freedom”. Food is produced through an eco-farming and aquaponics system, a symbiosis of fish and vegetables/fruits that encourages plant growth in nutrient rich water. Designed in a way to reduce water and energy consumption, the machine uses excess solar energy to generate indoor heat in winter, collects and stores rainwater, utilizes a shading system to ease summer temperatures reducing water needed for plants and air conditioning in houses, protects the house from the cold and rain through a rooftop insulation buffer.

Several greenhouses were installed in Jordan and we hope to see more. Humeid created this promising invention to meet a local need, a characteristic of a true social entrepreneur.

For more – http://meezan.cc