An End to Bottled Water

Plastic bottles, often used to package drinking water, are well known for their high carbon footprint and environmental impact. With 22 million tons of plastic used to create bottled water criss-crossed from country to country annually, we are in an urgency for a sustainable solutions.

The Liquid of Life bottle-free water dispensers, with a filtration system intact that turns municipal water into clean drinking water, are “becoming a popular alternative to plastic bottled water as companies are looking for ways of also becoming and operating more sustainably,” says founding partner, Rukhsana Kausar.

“The UAE is a resource scarce environment and there is a great opportunity to educate people on alternatives to plastic bottled drinking water and to promote sustainable living generally,” she adds. Encouraging families and businesses to get on board is bearing fruit, with companies like Microsoft, Parsons, Khidmah, Le Meridien Hotel and The Capital Club having already made the switch. In addition to the dispensers, LoL also provide simple water filters for domestic use to be installed under sinks, as a more cost effective solution for families.

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