An Opportunity for Young Artists

It’s an exciting time to be a young ambitious artist these days, with an opportunity of a lifetime coming up this month. Nissan Middle East is hosting a pan regional event coinciding with the launch of their new car, taking place on September 18th and offering 5 aspiring artists from UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, and Lebanon the chance to demonstrate what they can do live to an audience of hundreds.

“The car we are launching is all about lifestyle, experience, and social moments. We felt that art was 100% compatible with this concept,” says Reham Eldidi from Nissan Corporate Communications. This opportunity for young artists reflects their brand mission, “innovation that excites.”

“We are thrilled to be an enabler for their careers,” adds Eididi.

The deadline for proposals is on September 5th, so if you are a young amateur artist from these countries and fit into this age group (18-24), you need to send your A3 paper submissions to Nissan Middle East on 61111, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The finalists will not only take part in this competition but will have their artwork displayed at subsequent exhibitions with exposure to thousands more.