Good Equals Green

A citizens' anti-littering initiative launched on Twitter, funded by the British Embassy, and signed at the JGBC.

From façades to plumbing, the Jordan Green Building Council is promoting eco-friendly building—and not a moment too soon for the water-short country. These principles of sustainable development and energy-use have only recently gained a following in Jordan, which claims just over a dozen Leed-registered projects.

But JGBC aims to raise awareness of the benefits of green building by “relentlessly execut[ing]” numerous projects, such as a recent seminar on energy-efficient building envelopes to instruct professionals on how to build energy conservation into a structure. Other accomplishments include an anti-littering agreement, a cooperative pact with an engineers association pledging to support a shift towards sustainability, a workshop on how to save water, and, under the patronage of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, a celebration of “World Green Building Week 2013” that included an expo of companies specializing in green building  tools.

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