“No” to Drugs – and “Yes” to Artful Fun

Youth for Jerusalem is putting a Palestinian “fingerprint” on homegrown arts and sciences, giving young people an active role in their communities and protecting them from self-destructive habits.

Since 2010, the non-profit has been promoting creativity and cultural heritage, and even their efforts at preventing addiction have a creative edge. A recent campaign against drug abuse launched this November used comedy theater to make its point, with performers including the Basta Band, a debke showcase by the Nerd Group for performing arts and folklore, and a clown show for kids by Basma Tafl, or “a child’s smile”.

To spread the word, youth groups, volunteers and students then took to the streets under the banner “Apple vs. cigarette”, bringing the health vs. harm message to the wider community.

The project was organized in cooperation with university women from Caritas Jerusalem and the Palestine Film Commission, which screened an anti-drug film and panel discussion at the University of Bethlehem.

For more info –  http://www.yfja.org/