Do Try This At Home

Photo Credit: Cedaria Blackout

Instead of “killing time” in a violent fantasy world, why not use the vivid virtual reality of a video game to solve real-world conflicts?

From this insight, Cedaria was born: a game that lets players learn what the results of cooperative—and exploitative—leadership are. Players must work to restore stability on an island where sectarian tensions, i.e. fear and greed, threaten to unravel into violence.

If that scenario sounds familiar, it’s because Cedaria’s makers crafted it for a Middle Eastern audience, consulting with peace-building experts and veteran game designers to maximize both serious learning and visual fun. To those from the region, the game should look familiar too, as its architecture combines 19th century Lebanese, Ottoman, and Victorian steampunk elements.

And for those wishing to bring it even closer to home, by donating to the game you can have streets, statues, and stores named after you. With partial funding provided by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Beirut, an ongoing crowd-funding campaign aims to raise the rest.

For more info –  Crowdfunding site