It’s Not About Surfing Couches

Egyptians are taking hospitality to a whole new level–and turning “couch-surfing” into palatial offerings of camaraderie and warmth.

Couchsurfing is a well-known international online community of travelers that offers home-stays and insiders’ invaluable knowledge each country. But in Egypt, members are taking the movement further, with active youth ambassadors organizing national-scale festivals to promote Egyptian arts and heritage.

With a huge dose of enthusiasm and a passion for international understanding, these young diplomats organize events for Egyptians, expats and travelers alike. “We create deep and meaningful connections that cross oceans, continents and cultures,” they say.We aim not only to change the way we travel, but the way we relate to the world.”

“In 2013, In Cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, we officially promoted and hosted the 7th annual festival for traditional crafts and heritage as well as The International Samaa Festival for spiritual music and chanting”, says ambassador Eihab Hamed.

“What’s next? Our roadmap for 2014 includes The Winter Journey across the Land of Pharaohs.”

For more info – see their Facebook page.