The Glass-Shaper: A Clear Dream At Work

Ahmad Jalouk lives on the side of a green hill in the centre of Amman overlooking the Al-Hussain Cultural Centre with a wonderful view of the city, and owns a small underwear shop downtown that he opened in 1970. He enjoys beauty, and keeps up with the latest fashion and music; he also has “a deep compassion” for what is happening in the Middle East, and dreams “of a world at peace”.

Ahmad has always been fond of all types of handcrafts, but when he first opened his shop, the work kept him so busy that he had little time to dedicate himself to his hobby. Now, however, since his work is dwindling, he gladly finds himself able to do what he likes best: reshaping and transforming old, broken bottles and glasses into unique pieces of art.

By Sami Haven
By Sami Haven
By Sami Haven
By Sami Haven
By Sami Haven
By Sami Haven
By Sami Haven
By Sami Haven
By Sami Haven