A Second Home For Kids Fighting For Their Lives

Some battles you don’t get to choose–but you can still win them. At six years old, Lynn found herself fighting cancer: acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Tough as it was, she was smart enough to develop her weapons–“strength, hope, and love”–to defeat her enemy.

She started treatment at the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL) on June 8, 2011. On March 3, 2014, after less than three years of treatment, Lynn is celebrating her birthday cancer-free. Having won the fight, this cancer survivor now only visits the center for regular checkups, and she wants to become a doctor who could cure children just as CCCL physicians do.

Affiliated with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Tennessee and in association with the American University of Beirut, the CCCL relies entirely on donations in order to offer children free treatment. Since 2002, the center, also known as the “Center of Excellence and Home of Hope”, has treated over 900 children with cancer, with 3,000 patients from Lebanon and the region admitted for consultations. It offers the latest and most advanced treatments for childhood cancer, along with psychosocial support for parents, and boasts an amazing 80% cure rate.

Georgette Aoude, PR and Communications Coordinator, says “our patients’ parents become strong enough and very involved in the treatment of their child…Ultimately, they become part of the big CCCL family, and the center becomes their second home: the Home of Hope!

For more info: http://www.cccl.org.lb/index.php