From Junk To Gems: One Person’s Trash Is Another’s Treasure

Photo Credit: Joelle Jammal Junk

Joelle Jammal, a Lebanese artist, has turned what most of us regard as trash into works of art. This environmentally aware artist takes packaging material from computer servers, ink cartridges, and even take-away meals, and turns them into carefully hand-painted characters.

She does not change the form or shape of the packaging material, but actually works around its form to create recycled art–with a twist. Her first exhibition, “Think Inside DaBox,” is taking place near The Oddfish in the Port of Beirut.

Characters that she has painted include Prince Charles, Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth II, Walid Jumblat, Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield (bitten off ear and all), as well as everyday figures such as a schoolboy, a Native American chief, a pirate, a biker, and a sumo wrestler.

Her work is profound, cheeky, and innovative, especially the way it transforms neglected bits of refuse into witty creations full of their own spunky personalities. One only need observe the careful detail applied to pieces like “The Magician” or “The Referee” to know that Joelle Jammal is definitely an artist to watch. 

For more info – Joelle’s art on Facebook