Share Your Stories on Instagram through Project Pen Competition

Project Pen, a platform that promotes a community of writers in the region, and their media partners, are announcing their Instagram Stories competition this month. A continuation to a similar campaign launched in 2012 entitled Twitter Stories, the competition invites everyone with an Instagram account (and if you don’t have one, make one!) to participate by simply uploading a photo accompanied with an insightful or unique short story.

The competition has coined the catchphrase “Create a Story”, and hopes to invite people of all age groups and literary styles to participate, fostering a community for connection and creativity. Partnering with LGLevant, the winners of the competition, in both Arabic and English, will receive an LG G2 smartphone and runner-ups will receive a 32’ Inch HD Ready TV. Additionally, weekly winners will receive books from the Widescreen Fun Library located in Amman.

The competitions’ panel of judges will include Instagram celebrities, popular bloggers, regional tech and business leaders, and writers. We encourage everyone, writers and non-writers alike, to be inspired to participate and to use your visual to help create a vivid and poignant story.

For more information: Project Pen Competition Details, Project Pen on Twitter