How a Moroccan Designer Combines Berber and Bohemian Style

Moroccan designer Sofia El Arabi has created a vibrant, culturally-inspired array of clothes and accessories for her design line BakChic. Having worked in years in marketing, and garnering a deep love for all creatively oriented companies, Sofia was inspired to begin her own line.

Morocco itself is a country filled with many visually stunning elements; crowded bazaars teeming with textiles in rainbow hues, hand-made pottery, glassware and a variety of handicrafts. It’s easy enough to see where the young designers’ inspiration may have been born. All products being designed, created and produced in Morocco, the line is committed to a completely sustainable, home-made feel. “BakChic is the expression of a personal identity; a mix between a super rich cultural heritage and the blowing of a contemporary wind. Berberhemian: the Bohemian Berber. Between the fabrics I pick up and me, it is love at first sight! I then start to imagine how they could be reborn and how couture fashion can sew the lines of their new destinies,” says Sofia.

BakChic is indeed a unique amalgamation of traditional Berber and Moroccan design and fabrics, with a visually almost pop-like contemporary feel, utilizing Arabic typography and common Arabic phrases in some of the t-shirts and pullovers. Designers like Sofia are changing the way the world sees “Arab design” and re-interpreting fashion in the region.

For more information: BakChic Designs, BakChic Blog, @FashionBakchic on Twitter