One Man, One Photo-Project, 7 Billion Moments

Did you wonder how many things may be happening right this moment, as you read this article? In 2011, the United Nations declared that the world population topped 7 billion; and while many social studies focus on the problems it may pose, Mohamed ElMahdi chose to see the potential instead: the endless array of moments to be lived.

The young photographer regularly sets up ‘Zero Hours’ on his Facebook page, where people can share the moment they are living wherever they are, in pictures. “Each moment we live, there are other 7 billion moments unfolding in parallel, even though we don’t notice them,” says ElMahdi. The idea, he suggests, is to stop and think what everyone is doing at the exact same moment.

With five Zero Hour events held, the 7 Billion Moments Project has received submissions not only in Egypt but also Palestine, Italy, Spain and Czech Republic. “I hope this simple idea stays as a reminder that we are not living alone; our paths may cross or not, yet we all directly or indirectly affect each other,” he says.

For more information: Visit the 7 Billion Moments Facebook page.