3 Middle Eastern Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow

We are big Instagrammers, (you can follow us at @BarakaBits, or editor @Lkassicieh) and we believe it’s a wonderful way to share glimpses into life that might otherwise go unseen. Little inspirations, stories we come across and parts of what makes us tick. Here we listed three of our favorite Middle Eastern Instagram accounts that you need to be following. Stat!

1) @Zamaaan – Also a Tumblr account, Zamaaan is all about sharing glimpses of the past. Featuring a wide array of stunning nostalgic photos throughout the region, sent in by followers themselves, the account is an absolutely fascinating insight into the people of the Arab world. It’s especially interesting to see the differences in traditional garb and style, and the evolution of Arab fashion throughout the years.

2) @ArabicTypography – One of our favorite accounts, @ArabicTypography shares interesting typography, graffiti, signs and font in Arabic all around the region, depicting all of the colorful diversity found in the beauty of our language. Founded by @vatyma and curated by @jiydam, @nohazayed and @eslamuhammad, the account catalogues a wide variety of Arabic font throughout the region, in both contemporary and vintage contexts.

3) @Reorient Mag – @ReorientMag is the Instagram account of Reorient Magazine, that celebrates contemporary Middle Eastern art and culture. Their Instragram is filled with amusing, pop-arty images from all over the MENA region, re-imagined pop icons in Arab contexts and more. One could easily spend an entire afternoon scrolling through their creative, bright imagery.


Do you have any favorite Instagram accounts in the region? Tell us in the comments below!