The Best Advice You Could Ever Receive Comes From Your Younger Self

Be bold. Don’t compare yourself to others. Believe you can do it. These girls’ pieces of advice would probably not be as far-sighted had they not participated in a program where they not only train for a marathon, but also to run the world.

We all know how sports have the unbeatable ability to empower girls, but unfortunately, the opportunity comes as an exception. Did you know that, across the world, 62% of high school girls are not physically active?

This is why Culture Relay embarked on a mission to create year long programs that use running to teach leaderships skills to high school girls. The idea stretches across borders to create a virtual classroom, where they prepare girls to run the world: They run a half marathon, meet counterparts from across the world, set goals, and receive business mentorship. For their next program, the organization is now running a fundraising campaign to reach out to girls from Kenya.

For more information: Visit Culture Relay’s fundraising campaign for their next program.