4 Easy Hacks to Make Space in Your Dubai Home

Have you noticed that it is becoming harder and harder to make space for things in your home? You’re not alone! Try out these quick, easy hacks to get you organized!

1) Don’t have enough counter space to cook or keep your appliances?

Solution: DRAWERS! Clear counter tops make your home look really clean and uncluttered, so instead of leaving your Foreman grill out, put it in a drawer that you can pull out whenever you need it! You can even use drawers to place your cutting board on while cooking!

2) Is your dining table taking up too much space in your Dubai apartment?

Solution: A BREAKFAST BAR! Get a breakfast bar that is placed conveniently against your window overlooking your great city view! They look super chic and take up absolutely no space.

3) Do you trip over shoes as soon as you enter your home?

Solution: WALL STORAGE! Get a wall shoe storage rack to hang up right next to your door instead! If you have kids then get a bin storage unit that they can just throw their shoes in.

4) Are you a cleanliness nut, but don’t have enough room for your sprays?

Solution: CURTAIN RODS! Install a small curtain rod in the kitchen sink cabinet and hang your sprays to make more room for other products on the floor of the cabinet.

If you still feel like you need to clear out some more clutter, then a storage unit in Dubai or Abu Dhabi will be your best friend!