9 Tips for Female Arab Entrepreneurs from the Women Angel Investors Session at the Mena ICT Forum

The number of female Arab entrepreneurs is on the rise and in the spirit of that, a session was held by USAID at the Mena ICT Forum, where they hosted 5 women angel investors who happily shared their experience and knowledge with the attendees, helping them learn how to develop or even start their own businesses.

In this bit we share with you the most important tips that Heather Henyon, Daphne Kis, Iman Mutlaq, Shelly Porges, and Halla Tomasdottir gave to today’s generation of women business leaders:

1) Find a role model and learn from him/her.
2) Entrepreneurship is a team sport so learn how to work with a group of people to achieve a certain goal.
3) An idea without execution is not a business, it is a hallucination. So take action.
4) Get experience from anywhere possible.
5) Be tenacious and aggressive.
6) Remember that sometimes you have to act then ask for forgiveness later when it comes to seizing opportunities.
7) Learn how to be financially literate.
8) Realize that being the only woman in the room is something to be proud of.
9) Emotional intelligence and soft skills are as important as your academic education if you want to be successful.

Do you have any tips that you would like to add? Do you agree with these tips? Tell us in the comments below!