Chaos is Hip-Hop and Freedom of Expression

Created to give youth a creative outlet, Project Chaos takes hip-hop and gives kids in Palestine a way to interact with other kids in society. Project Chaos was founded in Jerusalem in 2013 by hip-hop activists who believe that music is one of the best ways to boost talent, self-confidence and generate passion among younger generations.

Project Chaos wants to showcase hip-hop culture as it once started; pure, inspiring, and free of cultural barriers. They believe that hip-hop is a great team building tool that can foster friendships and encourage people—no matter what their circumstance may be—to live a balanced life, free of existential worries. 

In order to achieve all that, they hold hip-hop and music productions at Talbieh Refugee Camp and Jordan’s Women Program Center. They’ve had a strong presence in refugee communities with the intention of bridging the gap between the youth of refugee camps and local communities using music and art. You may have even seen them at the Together Clean Festival in Amman or heard the theme song they created for the Together Clean Campaign.

Most recently, Project Chaos collaborated with Marteria, a German rapper and other artists, to produce FAUDA, their newest song and music video. You can listen to FAUDA here.

Keep following them for more updates on future projects and events. The inside scoop is that they’re about to launch an electronic art platform. You can like their Facebook to stay updated.