Have You Heard of Kngine, Egypt’s Answer to Google?

Kngine, which stands for “Knowledge Engine”, is an intelligent assistant and answer engine designed to give users directs answers for their questions.

Unlike typical search engines, Kngine does not provide users with links to their questions, but rather provides direct answers to questions in the form of text, maps, tables, lists or charts. According to the founders, “Kngine continuously reads the web and tries to understand its contents and build a memory of the knowledge.”

Co-founded by Haytham ElFadeel and Ashraf ElFadeel. Kngine was built by a team of 12 engineers, and is headquartered in Cairo, with another office in Palo Alto, California. Kngine is available on Android and iOS.

Do you know of any other useful platforms for finding information in the Middle East? Tell us in the comments below!