4 Funny Arab Videos You’ll Want to Watch Over and Over Again

From social satire to pop hits turned parody, these funny Arab videos videos have the world crying with laughter.

1) All about that paste. A catchy song, a hilarious fake mustache, and the tender idea of a mother dancing to her son’s craziness render this song an all-time favorite parody. In an ode to hummus, GoRemy masters the art of humor with a touch of Arab pride.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLGUFaizAHs]


2) No woman, no drive. An unforgettable Youtube hit, Hisham Fageeh and his Bob Marley remake will forever remain a trademark in Saudi humor. “Comedy is about timing. It’s all about being relevant and delivering a joke,” he said in an interview with BarakaBits.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZMbTFNp4wI]


3) How to be an Arab. Subhi Taha, the Palestinian-American youtuber who combined Arab wedding traditions in this hilarious video, goes through a uniquely-put overload of elements, from household items to food and hand gestures, that make up a real Arab. Not to miss: the dance moves.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNZAfd_7e6U]


4) Mish Impossible: Created by Egyptian video magazine Disalata and delivered in two chapters, Ramez Youssef and his Mish Impossible team imagine a life without social media gadgets, bringing Egyptian humor to the forefront of social psychology.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPhbcndpj4c]

 Have you seen any of these? Do you know of any other funny Arab videos we should know about? Let us know in the comments below!

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