“Paint Up” Fights the Color Grey in Beirut

Paint Up is a group of artists and designers who are passionate and driven about making Beirut full of life and energy through the power of color.

The initiative started with a bunch of friends who just graduated from college and decided to disrupt the dullness in their beloved city. They started painting the concrete steps so common in Beirut, transforming them into visually appealing pieces of art that radiate joy. From there, the group widened their goals and decided the color grey was their biggest enemy, and they had to do whatever they could to reduce its dull reign over their city.

Their most distinguished work includes piano stairs, mosaic stairs, and old painted cars. Such projects attracted many volunteers and allowed the group that started back in 2012 to grow from an initiative into a movement that is truly redefining the community and changing the look and feel of Beirut.

For more information: Check out Paint Up’s Facebook page and official Tumblr.

Do you believe that such movements need to be implemented all around the Middle East? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!