Warsheh: Transforming Old Newspapers and Vinyls into Reimagined Art

In Arabic, “Warsheh” literally means workshop. Four years ago, this modern take on a workshop was founded in Amman by creatives Tamer AlMasri and Mothanna Hussein. The duo sought to create simple, visually-stimulating logos, designs and poster work for various companies, in a city inundated with sloppy signs filled with Google images or littered with English mistakes or stolen names. Financially backed by Jordan’s other creative start-up, JoBedu, which creates unique pop-culture inspired t-shirts and merchandise, Warsheh was able to take on several big name projects, like Q0DE Creative Agency and Burger Joint. Now, Warsheh is exhibiting a series of work with cultural production company Immortal Entertainment at Amman’s quintessential art spot: Darat Al Funun.

Running from December 16 – 31, the Arsheef exhibition consists of an archive of vintage Arabic newspapers, magazines and vinyls from the 1950s – 1970s. The exhibition took these items, which for decades have no doubt sat, idly, on the shelves of book shops forgotten and uncared for, and transformed them, in an eggshell-colored studio space, into audio and visual art. If you’re in Amman, do not miss this! Opening night is December 16 at 6:30 PM at Darat Al Funun, located near Luzmilla Hospital on Nadeem al Mallah St. in Jabal El Weibdeh.

For more information: Check out some of Warsheh’s projects on their official site, or get more information about some of the other traveling exhibitions available at Darat Al Funun.