What If Your Christmas Gift Could Turn Into a New Story of the Middle East?

Photo Credit: Christmas Stock Images (Creative Commons)

A week ago, Barakabits started a crowdfunding campaign to extend the Good News reach and build an uplifting, positive narrative that covers all the corners of the Middle East, from the remote villages of the Moroccan desert to the urban communities of Tehran. To do so, we want to launch a youth employment program that will train, mentor and hire 10 young aspiring web journalists than can help us provide an integral coverage of the region.

The campaign poses a simple question: can you trade your cup of coffee today for a piece of good news? With as little as $5, we can set the program in motion in less than a month. At Barakabits, we take good news seriously: this is not just about getting a positive glimpse of the region in your mailbox everyday. It’s about being a part of a global movement that believes there is more to the Middle East than what mainstream media chooses to showcase. Because if we don’t transform the numbers into people, the names into faces, and the adjectives into life stories, we risk to remain spectators of a gloomy, theatrical world that we may not feel a part of.

Our ambitious goal is to inspire, to empower, and to connect our youth with local role models they can look up to. So this holiday season, your Christmas gift can turn into a new story, an inspiring piece of news that will change the way we think of the Middle East. Share this link, tell your friends and, if you can, contribute. 

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATUc8s6Q-Bk]