Your Music Guide to a Less Stressful Ammani Winter

Meschiya Lake and The Little Big Horns

The Hollywood romantic winter we watch in movies is not really what we get at this end of the world. Sinking in Amman’s tunnels is not cozy, and I have to say getting locked up for a whole week waiting for the snow that is ‘always’ unprecedented, unexpected, and uninvited, to miraculously disappear, is not fun either. In a nut shell, winter is no joke. We must get prepared!

Instead of getting cranky in the middle of the horrible traffic that would at best end in a verbal fight or at worst end with at least one casualty, try listening to the playlist below. It is jazzy, energetic and might help you find the good in that driver who just soaked your entire outfit in mud!

Let’s just hope internet will survive the storm!

1) Les Pessants
I wish I  was optimistic about Amman as the singer is about Paris who loves it in all seasons (1:28).

Well I love Amman… In May… that’s it. Just because the whole universe has not yet invaded the country, and Amman’s 5 bushes have not yet left.

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2) Comes Love
“Comes a snowstorm get a little heat. But comes love, nothing can be done”. Well I’m not sure we can relate to this song.

Actually it’s the opposite here. Preventing love is much easier than preventing a snowstorm; many things can be done when love happens… I think I’ve gone wrong with my target group.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”100″ iframe=”true” /]

3) Blue Angel
“Your mama never told you how you’re supposed to treat a girl.”
Ok I’m back on track. Enjoy a lazy and unique wintry voice. (wait until 0:40)


4) Dance Me to the End of Love

A beautiful song to end your hectic freezing Ammani day. Perhaps you’d find some bright side to it like mmm… appreciating spring?



Original post on Tala’s blog can be found here. What are some songs you’d add to a snowstorm playlist? Let us know in the comments below!