Ghada Al Hasan: A Saudi Super Woman

Not only is Ghada Alhasan remarkably beautiful she also has a lot on her plate. Being a married woman and the mother of six is hard work. Being a full-time teacher takes dedication and being an active ever-growing artist requires passion and more. In an interview with BarakaBits, Ghada talks about her latest exhibition Another Shape for a Window which was a huge success in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and is now being exhibited in Dubai.

Being a woman in Saudi, how did you become an artist?

Being an artist was never a choice, artists are born. It was not something I decided to be, it was not a choice, it was a compulsion —  it is who I am. Being in Saudi did not matter, I am an artist and I create art. That is it.

From what and where did you gather inspiration for this exhibition?

Each exhibition has its own style and its own vision. So for each exhibition I do something different depending on what the exhibition is and where it is. Human feelings, newspapers, human interaction…I take it all and put it on the canvas. For this exhibition, I looked at history and how they recorded their history, in shapes on walls, and so on. I also looked at the circle and how it was used for astronomic, mathematic, geography and magic. And then I went further and saw how it was in every facet of life, in electrons, atoms, in the phases of life and how it come all to a full circle.

This exhibition combines it all — languages, history, geometry(shapes). All of it is meant to ask questions that ponder our existence and purpose: “Will we add something to all these motions. or will we wait for them to add to us as usual?”.

Where do you see yourself going from here?

There is no end goal. After every obstacle I conquer, after every step I achieve, I look toward the next one. There is no limit or set goal. Just endless adventures.

Check out her work at the Noon Hotel Apartment Gallery, the only completely art based hotel in the world. The Exhibition will be taking place from March 16 to March 30.