Happiness is Ignorance and Facebook Loves You

Our own BarakaBits photographer Sami Haven has once more surprised the editorial team with his writing prowess, as he invites readers to rethink how we are using social media to follow the mass instead of exploiting its massive potential to take initiative, do good, and connect on a human level.

Happiness is Ignorance and Facebook Loves You

Lets bleat about something quick
Something sweet and post with a click
Post about the weather and smell the bubble gum
Lets play Farmville, as sheep we’ve become

Follow the wethers, the flocks and herds
Like the butter cream, boobies, the bees and the birds
Share all the useless information you can graze
Poke a friend to pass your days

Facebook is great fun but it needs a hand
Help Facebook link people and make it grand
Help Facebook make the world a better place
Help Facebook turn ignorance into a smile on your face.

How do you think Facebook, Twitter or other social media channels can help turn ignorance into smiles? Share your thoughts on the comments below!