3 Ways to Improve your Life Through Changes in your Use of Technology

Living in the 21st century, we are all aware how key a role technology plays in our day-to-day lives. From communicating with friends and family who live elsewhere, to networking for work, to even completing a degree online, we rely on technology much more than we even realize. Sometimes, we go entire days without speaking to someone in real life, assuming that texting or emails is akin to human connection…But it’s not. Even in the Middle East, a region known for its sense of community, usage of technology and social media are increasingly on the rise. Several articles have come out recently showing just how negative an impact constant reliance on technology can be, and how detrimental it is to spend days just mindlessly perusing Facebook and Instagram, unknowingly comparing our lives to the lives of others. We list 4 changes you can make through your use of technology that can positively impact your well-being and overall mood.

1) Don’t check email right when you wake up — According to Huffington Post, the number 1 thing successful people never do first thing in the morning is check their email. When you do this firsy thing in the morning, it immediately jolts you into a sense of urgency and anxiety. Whatever you’re doing in the day, whether you’re taking kids to school or headed to the office, focus on that and get to the email later in the morning. Whatever it is can surely wait until you’ve at least had coffee and a bit of time to gear up for the day!

2) Limit use of social media to 3 – 5 times a day — Overuse of social media can be linked to increased feelings of depression, isolation and loneliness. Try setting designated times for when you can actually check social media, and stick to them. For example, don’t check social media before noon, check it again around 5pm and then once before bed. After a week, see how much better, and lighter, you feel emotionally.

3) Take one day completely off — Choose one entire day to refrain from using technology completely. Let people know that you won’t be reachable that day, and just keep your phone somewhere where you will not be tempted to see it. This will give you time to recharge, to stare at things that are not flat and glowing, and to breathe. Take a yoga class, go for long walks, eat a nice meal in quiet and enjoy a bit of how life was before the technology takeover!

Do you have any other tips we could add to the list? Tell us in the comments below!

For more useful articles on ways to improve your life and mental well-ness, visit Challenge 2 Change