Talking Syria: 5 Cheerful Things Syrians are Doing Right Now

Despite the many hardships that have faced Syria since the war began four years ago, a site called Talking Syria focuses on telling the hopeful, resilient stories of Syrians. They have shared 5 things, found in stories from their website, that Syrians are doing right now, shining a light on the underlying hope that can be found everywhere in the Syrian people.

1) Smiling

Though their lives have become increasingly difficult, Syrians maintain that smiling, warm nature they are so known for. Samer Khoury writes: “Of course, you will occasionally encounter fear, but smiles are more common than before. We might feel trapped inside this huge bubble of a city, but those of us who remain here live their lives to the limits. Syrians might be short on so many things these days, but not on smiles. Not yet.”

2) Playing music

Music forms an important part of Syrian culture. One Syrian musician who fled to Istanbul says that though he loves Istanbul’s mix of musical features, but adds that he loves being Syrian in these music groups.

3) Cycling

In a post about the rebirth of cycling in various Syrian cities, one Damascene Syrian writes, “I feel free when riding my bike.” Though her parents were not originally thrilled about her new form of entertainment and exercise, she began riding and teaching other girls to find peace through cycling.

4) Painting

Living in Aleppo is tough. This artist escaped into her own world of Sufism and the “islands and deserts” of her imagination. The result is some stunning metal etchings.

5) Playing basketball

In general playing sports builds friendships and communities and works as a form of thereuptic movement that increases adrenaline and feelings of overall hope. Syrian Masa Kateb writes:”As we all grew older, my teammates and I started organising trips to simply go around Syria and explore new places. Sednaya, Ma’loula, Quneitra, Ras al-Bassit, Palmyra – the list goes on. If it wasn’t for basketball, I wouldn’t have memorised the streets of Aleppo or managed to see the waterwheels known as the Norias of Hama.” Read the full post here.

For more information: Visit Talking Syria’s official site, and be inspired by the every day stories of Syrian people.