Thirsty? Try these Interesting Persian Drinks

Azita Houshiar, the creative Iranian blogger behind Fig & Quince, chronicles some of the flavorful, unique drinks that can be found in Iran. Though she now lives in the United States, on her trips back to Iran, she samples some of the Persian beverages that unite pungent flavors, textures and styles.

“Perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised since Iran is after all the birthplace of sharbat (enchanting syrup-based drinks) and the Persian word for beverage — nooshidani — has its roots in the word ‘noosh’ which means ‘pleasure’ in Farsi. Believe it or not, pleasure aplenty is afoot when it comes to Iranian beverages. Drinking alcohol in Iran is now prohibited of course but a decadently pleasing time can be had by imbibing on a bevy of non-alcoholic drinks that make up for their sobriety with an intoxicating punch of taste, color, and at times charming novelty. Some of them even kick in demonstrable health benefits into the bargain as well!” says Azita.

Read more of Azita’s posts, rich with recipes, anecdotes, stories and tales from Iran on her Fig & Quince blog, and you can find the original post here.