Time to Visit NOLA Cupcakes in Egypt!

Via NOLA Cupcakes Facebook page.

Have you visited either of the NOLA Cupcakes branches in Zamalek or Maadi? No? Then it’s about time you did!

Started in 2010 by the Sedky siblings, this gourmet cupcake bakery was the first of its kind to open in Egypt. The siblings knew that there was a promising Egyptian market for cupcakes, but that the products were just not yet easily available in the country. One of the founding siblings, Laila Sedky, especially commented on the fact that social gatherings are common and important in Middle Eastern culture, and that desserts are commonly brought as a thank you to the host. And what better to bring than a uniquely flavored and beautifully decorated homemade cupcake?

And so NOLA Cupcakes was opened! Aside from in-store purchases and catering, the bakery also makes great efforts to give back to the community by bringing unsold cupcakes to orphanages in Cairo and by offering charitable cupcakes, for which the profits go to supported local charities. What a great initiative!


Read the full article “NOLA – more than just cupcakes” on Your Middle East here. And to see more information and pictures, take a look at NOLA Cupcakes’ Facebook page!


Tip: Rumor has it cupcakes were served during this week’s fall catalog release at IKEA Egypt, but if you missed that, NOLA Cupcakes offers free tastings of new flavors on every 25th day of the month!


Have you been to NOLA Cupcakes? Tell me all about the delicious cupcakes in the comments!