When all you want is street art – let this app guide you

Via Your Middle East.

If you are a fan of street art, then you are probably familiar with the app series “Street Art”. Available in large cities like London, New York City and Berlin, this app guides users to noteworthy street art in the city where they are located. Through maps, pictures, artist bios and short descriptions of the art, you can discover all that your city’s streets have to offer! One city that you will not want to miss while using this app: Istanbul.

Erbil Sivaslıoğlu, a Turkish street artist and entrepreneur, worked with a team to put together the street art map of Istanbul to bring attention to the city’s art scene. Today, users of the app can also submit their own suggestions for additions to the map. It is a great and very special way to explore the city of Istanbul, a city as rich in street art as any of the other app locations.

Read the full article “New app guides you to the best of Istanbul’s street art” on Your Middle East here.