Where to Find Arabic Books Online

Image courtesy of www.cbc.ca

Whether it’s because of censorship, scarcity of bookstores in the Middle East, or the fact that you don’t live in an Arabic-speaking country, finding Arabic books can be difficult. Raseef22 provided a list of 3 online Arabic book stores that sell e-books and deliver hard copies.

1. Neel Wa Furat

Founded in 1998. This shop offers discounts on selected purchases and provides electronic versions of most voted for books.

2. Jamalon

Started as a small family business in 2010. It offers the latest published books and delivers them. Besides PayPal and Credit Card payments, the website allows Cash on Delivery.

3. Arabic Bookshop

Founded in 2009. It has a well-organized archiving system, allowing more advanced search for books


Find the original article on Raseef22 (in Arabic) here.

What online shops do you use for your Arabic books?