eL Seed bringing people together through calligraffiti

eL Seed, a French-Tunisian calligraffiti artist, spreads messages of peace and appreciation for the Arabic script through his colourful and poetic street art. But did you get a chance to watch his Ted Talk?

He might have started with a local minaret tower in southern Tunisia, but today this artist decorates walls across the world, from Brazil to South Africa and France. He writes all his messages in Arabic, and always writes a message that is relevant to the community that the artwork is created for, and a message that can be related to by a worldwide audience. eL Seed says that “you don’t need to know the meaning to feel the piece. I think that the Arabic script touches your soul before it reaches your eyes, there is a beauty in it that you do not need to translate.”


Follow his page on Facebook to see more inspiring art works.

Do you know of any other inspiring caligraffiti artists from the Middle East or North Africa? Let us know!

This piece was originally published on A Teaspoon of (لیمون) Zest.