A 17-year old Palestinian “Noel Kharman” fuses 2 great hits of Legendary Singers “Adele” & “Fairouz”

Who knew that Adele’s song “Hello” and Fairouz’s song “Kifak Inta”, can be mashed up so beautifully? Well, Noel Kharman, a Palestinian who has recently turned 17 years old on Christmas Eve last month, was aware of the compatibility of these two great songs. During an interview with Al-Arabiya News Channel, Kharman explained that she chose these songs primarily because she believed that they will work great together, for even though the songs are different in language, they are similar in meaning.She was right, her ingenious song mashup combined with her stunning voice pierced the hearts of millions of viewers all over the world. Within 3 days, her rendition cover of these 2 songs achieved 2 million views, and as of today it has reached over 5 million views and still counting! Many of her viewers have no idea what the words in the Arabic Part “Kifak Inta” mean, but nevertheless continue to listen to it multiple times. Many consider her voice amazing enough that they feel the meaning rather than literally understand it. After all, this is what the universality of music is all about.

Like many successful artists, Kharman’s journey began when she was a child with the release of her 1st song titled Mother (Omy), written and composed by Mr. Fauzan Hamdan. Moreover, she had her 1st stage performance at the age of 10. She has covered many hit singles and has mastered singing in various languages.

Kharman aspires to become an international star one day; given her success and the reaction of her viewers within a very short time, this Palestinian has what it takes to do so!


Not familiar with the legendary Lebanese Singer Fairouz? Click on the links to her greatest hits found below, to fall in love with this unique and beautiful Arabic voice. Leave us a comment below and let us know what you think!

Kifak Inta
Nassam Alayna El-Hawa
Sa’altak Habibi
Sa’alouny El Nas
Habaytak Bel Saif