Save the Date: Trending5000 Hosting Event This Friday, November 25th!

Trending5000an online marketing platform that connects and supports startups and small businesses in the Middle East, is organizing an amazing event! This Friday, November 25th, you are invited to have a fun packed day with your family and friends, celebrating Jordanian business owners! The public event is free to enter and will witness over 60 entrepreneurs and small business owners showcasing their lovely products and services to the public. The atmosphere will be fun, kids will be able to enjoy games and, most importantly, parents can shop! Live music will fill the air and street food including, but not limited to, Knafeh, Shawarma, Falafel and hot dogs will be there to delight in, too. Covered by the media, this culturally themed fair will host notable public figures, including Sayyidaty Magazine and others.

On this fun day, Trending5000 is supporting business owners in the region and introducing them to the larger public, thus enabling families to explore service providers, homegrown products and local talents, all while enjoying their time in a cultural atmosphere!

Join the lively fair in Dubai and meet a new favorite talent, a potential collaborator, or your next food delight!

RSVP here to win prizes 

To learn information about the event, check out Trending5000’s Facebook page event.

Save the Date, and don’t miss the fun/action this Friday with Trending5000! And don’t forget to share and leave us a smile 🙂 !