What are our most memorable food trends?

It’s not just our tastes in fashion and music that can vary dramatically over the decades, as even the foods that we consume have a tendency to change with time.

And whilst some meals like the traditional Arabic breakfast are unlikely to alter too drastically, it seems as though we’re becoming increasingly faddy in our food habits.

Perhaps it’s due to the popularity of social media apps like Instagram that we’re getting a little more fashion-conscious in our food choices. Whether it’s advocating the health benefits of a rainbow-coloured salad, or even the aesthetic pleasures of a perfectly prepared cupcake, it seems as though our food has to be look better than ever before.

Nowhere is this more evident than in how brightly coloured treats have gained an almost cult-like following. From our infatuation with healthy fruit smoothies to the decadent pleasures of the macaroon, these sweet delicacies seem to be perfectly designed for our smartphone cameras.

But even the humble vegetable has had a real makeover in recent years. It’s been fairly bizarre to see much-maligned foodstuffs like kale being touted as a superfood, but with our quest to be body beautiful we’re starting place much more importance on the simple pleasures of fresh fruit and vegetables.

A quick look at some of the healthy lunch options in Abu Dhabi at the Deliveroo blog shows how on-trend foodstuffs like avocado, quinoa, papaya and almonds are now essential items on any self-respecting foodie’s wish list.

But whilst this fascination with foods may seem to have accelerated in recent years, we’ve always been obsessed with faddy foodstuffs.

From weird eating habits like the Atkins diet of the 2000s, to our devotion to sushi and tiramisu in the 1990s, it seems as though we’re all prone to being slightly too reverential to the foods of the moment.

Whilst we’re now obsessed with the new wave of food delivery services, in the 1980s it was all about how fast food companies like McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and even Wimpy were going to make the simple act of eating faster and more fun than ever.

And whilst some of us might have said goodbye to 1970s staples like prawn cocktails, it seems as though even arctic rolls and lemon meringues may be making a comeback for 2017.

So whilst it may appear that we’re all guilty of being a little faddy with our food tastes, it seems as though some retro dishes may eventually reappear on our plates soon!