3 Must-Haves in a Job Listing Post

Putting up a job listing for your company can be exciting!  Unfortunately, many businesses forget to plan and are surprised by a lack of interest in the work they have available.  Even if the job is top-tier or pays extraordinarily well, companies are still getting overlooked or receiving disappointing responses.

These are the three things you should include in your job listing if you want to get the applicants of your dreams.

Clear Ways to Contact Your Company

If your company is hiring, and the only way you have to be contracted is through an application: you’re going to miss out on applicants. So it’s vital to have different ways to contact you; this can help if there’s something wrong with your listing or if they have other questions that an applicant wants answers to before applying.

Not having another way to contact you will cut down on how many people apply because they’ll assume working for your company is just as disorganized.

Instead, include an email to a recruiter or another employee whose job is to respond to these hopefuls and set them on the right path.  If you avoid doing this, you could lose out on many qualified workers who want to make an informed decision.  These are the workers you should want for your company; it’s a good idea not to alienate them.

Information on What Would Be Expected of Them

It may feel obvious that your job listing should have information about the available jobs. First, however, you should include the basics, like what industry the work is in if this is a long-term job and what type of upward mobility is available to them.  This will allow applicants a moment to picture what type of role they’d have with your company and if this future is something they want to seek out.

Unfortunately, many companies either overshare or under share, which leads to fewer applicants.  Include the information an employee will need to know to work in a position, and no more or less.

They don’t need to know how the key passes work when they’re applying, but they will need to know whether shifts are flexible or the job can be completed at home.

Withholding this information may make you assume that more hopefuls will reach out to gain more knowledge: but it may make them think the job will have communication issues.

A Way For Your Company to Watch the Metrics

For many businesses. It’s important to track how applicants find the listings and what their responses are based upon that.  A good applicant tracking system will allow for any company to keep an eye on all of this information and more.  Knowing who’s applying to your listing, why, and who’s avoiding it can inform future listings and keep the company from wasting time or money or listings that will not work.