The Platform for Alzheimer’s Disease

Information is power. Desirée Vlekken, founder of, agrees, after seeing her dear father going through Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and not having adequate knowledge about what was happening to him.

In trying to adjust to the news of her father’s illness, “ was created to fulfill a social mission by raising awareness on AD for the elderly, caregivers and families in the region,” a public health issue so underexposed. Inspired by her parents-in-law’s active lifestyle,  she made sure that “ promotes healthy lifestyle that could possibly prevent if not delay the onset of memory loss.”

Vlekken is also planning another exciting initiative, the support group in Dubai of weekly forums and lectures on memory loss for anybody affected with AD, due next year. And even sooner than that, on September 21st, she will be organizing the World Alzheimer’s Day event in the Dubai Mall. Keep an eye out for this event, participate and help raise awareness about AD!

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