I Can Move!

Fatima Abdulkarim/Yante

Shout it from the rooftops, “I can move!” That’s what Yante’s “I Can Move” initiative wants you to do. Youth, Art and Levante is an organization with no religious or political affiliation, dedicated to uplifting art projects in the Middle East with a special focus on Palestine.

With the I Can Move program, “…Yante is focusing on establishing an independent Palestinian Community Dance movement, stemming from the belief that every person can dance,” Yante’s statement says.

In its pilot program, I Can Move found that the dance workshops challenged male’s masculinity; reduced religious prejudice between the camp’s participants (especially Christian to Muslim prejudice); and violence amongst those with Acute Stress Disorder (and even some with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) was visibly reduced.

Currently, Yante is featuring a contemporary dance workshop with renowned German choreographer Martin Sonderkamp, until August 30th.

For more info – Yante