Two Arab Startups Reminding Us That Sharing Really Is Caring

photo credits: Carpool Arabia and ArabNet Digital Summit

The leaves are falling and the sand is shimmering: it’s summer and time for this year’s ArabNet Digital Summit. BarakaBits was at the “premier international gathering for Arab digital professionals and entrepreneurs” to bring you our top two picks for startup success: Feelit and Carpool Arabia.

So what did the social network and the carpooling platform have in common?

They both reminded us that entrepreneurs can build serious businesses while bringing us back to what’s really important in life: sharing. 

CEO of Feelit Mohammad AlKadi says: “We’re just young passionate Saudis who are driven by the idea that Feelit has what it takes to change the world.” You won’t find users bragging about their new car for likes, or sharing articles that they haven’t read for retweets. You’ll see a feed of real emotions with genuine, thoughtful responses.

Over in the United Arab Emirates, Carpool Arabia is promoting sharing too: through their online platform connecting drivers and riders. Founder Benjamin de Terssac has lived in the region since 2008 and is a strong advocate for the “sharing economy”.  The team’s success since its creation at Startup Weekend Dubai last fall is a clear sign that people are excited about a practical solution to traffic-based environmental issues.

These startups showed us that people are ready and willing to share: there have already been 4 million hugs sent on Feelit, and in just over 3 months, there have already been 1,000 rides offered by drivers on Carpool Arabia.

And that’s #goodnews.

For more information: ArabNet, Feelit, and Carpool Arabia